Satya and I decided even before we got married that we would do a lot of travelling( as we both enjoy it, except that I detest climbing high altitudes and S simply loves the mountains!) and it was finally decided that we would take holidays on our anniversary which is in June and another one in December. This dec, the exotic destination is going to be.....any guesses???.....SINGAPORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am already super excited about it and people who know me well, for sure know how excited I get about even new SINGAPORE is big time excitement !!!!! :-)
Life gets more exciting when you have something to look forward to... doesnt it?? I have been asking around people for information on singapore and I have found loads of stuff from different people.
Had a long conversation with amma and appa yesterday. It felt good, i feel much more connected and thankful to them for numerous reasons. I am glad I listened to them about a lot of things in my life, though grudgingly. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! You mean the world to me! Amma has become my closest friend, with whom i talk for hours on the phone, post-marraige!
I get this a lot from people...that I am such a spoilt brat! The fact remains that I am not definitely pampered!!! I am not childish, am the same time, I have grown mature when it comes to important decisions in life, which is far more essential than any thing else! Spontaneity is something that I totally relate to...Dont you think, there must be some child like qualities in you, that's what helps you to enjoy life to the fullest. I would DIE, if I had to be all prim and proper!!! I like being silly you know!
Now i am all smiles...coz am thinking about SINGAPORE!!! he ..hehe...well, that's me WTD?? WALTO!!!!

All of us go through mood swings....I know quite a few who say "Oh! I am not moody at all"...CRAP! I dont believe anyone can remain upbeat all the time... I dont like to call myself "moody" , so i tend to say i am very emotional and if it means something else! ;-)
S often says that I am controlled by some switch, that if put "ON", I am all cheerful and happy and if put "OFF" I am all cranky, angry and irritated. REALLY!!! One minute, I will be all smiles and cheerful and just the next minute all quite and angry. I have made a resolution to shut up when I get angry, coz generally i tend to say things I dont mean and would regret later, when I am the solution is - SHUT UP!!
A close friend of mine has been acting wierd of late and i have been trying to figure out what is upsetting her...and i think of all permutations and combinations.. finally, she is back to her normal self..funny! how small things in life can upset someone or cheer us up at the same time.
I know this is absolutely off track from what I have been saying so far ( remember, I am like a switch???) I am listening to some wonderful music now and it soothes my frayed nerves! At work, I sit near the window and I can look outside at clear blue skies and watch the rain during monsoon...I love it! :-) Simple things in life make a huge difference...and I have realized how important it is cherish each day as it is... :-0 Philosophical, eh?
I have always wondered in my pre-wedding days, how it would feel to live alone and stay independant, doing everything on your own...Since I have moved to Pune, and there is no way that my parents/inlaws can stay with me for company, I finally get the opportunity to enjoy the experience as S is away! :-)
Initially, I was scared, but now i am actually enjoying myself...having the entire house to myself, no routine work that i MUST i get back from home, rustle up something from lunch letfovers, read a nice book and just chill...once i get back from work of course!
What i miss is the general chatter I have with S at the end of a yesterday something happened at work and i was seething with anger, and i really missed my sounding board! of course, later i had to be content with letting out all my anger on the phone....and then when S consoled me, i felt so much better...
Everything in life seems much easier only after you experience it. But inspite of all that i have said, I would love to live alone with S! he he...incorrigible, aint I??

We went on our anniversary to Mahabaleshwar....and everyone you get to see people selling strawberries!!!! :-) Ambitious and greedy that I am, I picked up a strawberry plant from the nursery to plant in my small humble garden(!?).....
A few days later, i couldnt believe my efforts gave fruit! Literally!!! There are strawberries in my garden...REAL STRAWBERRIES!! The first thing I do as soon as I get up is to water the plants ...when i saw it, my happiness knew no bounds...dragged S to see it...I was beaming all day... There is another plant that I have, which attracts a lot of sparrows to my balcony, which is right outside my most of the time, we wake up to the sound of chirrupping birds, which is very rare to find nowadays... A lovely way to start the day, isnt it??
Read an article in the paper, about happiness and ways to remain happy and optimistic! There, I have added one more to the list! Nurturing plants is like nurturing children! I feel like they tell me....come and see! How well I have grown! Its theraupatic...
Have started practising pranayama, though I hate to admit it, it has done wonders for me and S...its definitely very beneficial...makes me feel light and good... thanks to amma again! :-)
I am in a very happy mood when its friday! coz, its the weekend after that...well, for one, you can get up late, there is no rush to get to office, worry about what to cook for lunch and most of all, what to wear!! Well, its the whole thrill of having a doesnt help not to work at all, coz when you are not working and stay at home...every day seems like a weekend...sometimes dont even remember which day of the week it is...
A friend of mine is getting engaged and when she talks about her guy, it reminds me of my pre-wedding days!! S used to say, to be engaged, is to enjoy the freedom of not being committed yet and still have someone you love!! Its so true...those days were dreamy, and I would always think and relate everything to him...I still do! ;-) I am such a romantic at heart...all my conversations come down to love and S....Its synonymous....
One huge realisation after my wedding is how important amma is to me. Till now, i didnt realize how much she has contributed in bringing me up....she has stood by me at all times....and the sparkle in her eyes and the lilt in her voice is worth all the effort, when i do something that she is proud of...Amma! I love you with all my heart and am blessed to be your daughter....and I still hate your constant nagging! ;-)
I have just moved to the content team...something I have always wanted to do, instead of the boring routine numbers...the usual financial rigamarole! Content seems to keep me interested as of now, jump from bed to come to work with a lot of enthusiasm...i guess that way i am a typical to keep the creative juices flowing!
BTW, finished up a glass painting of a mother and baby panda and even if i say so myself, it looks damn cute! I hope it adorns the walls of a cute little girl, dont think somehow that a little boy will appreciate it as much :-) If anyone is interested, let me know...its up for sale...will try and put a picture on the blog for you all to see..
Inspite of all that happened recently and in the past, I count my blessings and am very happy and optimistic that everything will fall into sure getting there! Life is fun and sometimes unpredictable, its the surprises, sudden turns that retains the element of suspense in life... is that good or bad? I dont know...
Suddenly remembered a few men in my life, who have made me feel so beautiful, and there i am smiling...