Thursday, February 15, 2007

My wonderful INDIA!

What is it with us??? Why do we underestimate ourselves?? Everytime I hear someone say 'bloody Indians' when they are irritated or impatient waiting somewhere or for any bloody reason, my blood boils. I want to say, "what the hell are you?" How are you helping India to be a better place than any one else. How refined are your manners? Do you really care to keep your country clean?? Puuuulllllhhhhhlllllleeeeeeeeeeezeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

Why are we so ashamed of ourselves? Our dear India is so beautiful, in every sense!!! She has a rich culture, endowed with fabulous history and legendary ancestors! ....and what do we do??

I have nothing against westerners or their culture, but i was just watching 'Roadies' on MTV. I felt so sad, where our youngsters priorities lie! Why cant we promote something that is our culture, at the same time a lot of fun. The girls are more interested in showing skin and using swear words and what not, I dont even want to mention the guys!!! Of course, to each his own!!! sometimes, that's the whole problem!!

While the rest of the world resorts to India-originated Yoga, our culture and everything else, we on the other hand, are losing it!! (Dont get me wrong, I do enjoy and appreciate the culture, beauty and uniqueness of every country, but I dont believe in putting down my country to praise another one! )Yes, we are losing it! We dont need to lose our identity to adopt and ape someone else for the heck of it, sans meaning!

I am a proud Indian!!! We have such wonderful things to be proud of....Can anybody dance as gracefully as our Indian Classical Dancers? Is any other music as soothing and divine as ours?? Can you find any of the so-called-herbal creams as effective as our natural beauty treatments, that our moms and grandma practised and recommended?? Many of my friends and relatives abroad are more appreciative of India and everything 'home'ly. Does it mean we understand the value of our country, only after we leave and are living in a foreign land either by choice or circumstances??!!!

I dont know, I really dont know.....BUT I wont give up! I will always love my country and do every bit to show how beautiful my country is! India is a wonderful country endowed with all the natural beauty and with the right marketing, we will rule the world !!!!

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