A few days back, Amma told me that she has been reading 'Sai Charitham' for good things to happen to both her children, me and my brother. She called me at work and asked me to go to a Shirdi SaiBaba temple, if possible, and that too on a Thursday and it was that same day. She felt she had an intuition and good feelings about it and insisted I should go right in the evening.
Though, I was real tired after a long day at work, I decided to go to the temple atleast for Amma's sake. I parked my bike as it was a super busy road and walked up to the temple. I went in, prayed and did my namaskaarams and when I looked into his eyes, I could see a kind face with really warm eyes and I felt as if he was saying to me 'Don't worry, you are my child. I will take care of you'. I felt really good and felt a sense of calm...I honestly felt nice going to the temple. I was quiet for a long time, at peace with myself, which is really rare with me!!
Today, an elderly couple whom I have never met before, but stay in our apartment complex, came home to invite us for the Sthapna of Sai Baba. They gave us the most beautiful invitation I have ever seen, ornate with embroidery and I was so excited to see the exact picture of Sai Baba on the cover, that I saw in the temple!!! I am overwhelmed with joy and feel its a good sign from HIM.
I don't think its just a coincidence.Thank you God, for being so kind to me and for everything you have blessed me with!! :) I called Amma to tell her this and she was overjoyed to say the least!! :-) KEEP THE FAITH.
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