Friday, June 19, 2009

Unraveling the bad temper in me?

Thethoughtfultrain has tagged me. She describes me with such flattering words that I had to look twice if she was really referring to me? See, the blog doesn't show the hot-headed side of me, that's why!! I am pretty short tempered...but I like to think I have mellowed down over time, experiences and of course, S's calm influence. Now, the secret is out, if anything the tag, for sure will...

Tag: I have to list 10 things that make me mad/seething with anger. (That's not too difficult!)

  1. It really pisses me off when people spit on the road, scribble on public property and throw garbage on the roads/monuments/scenic places of beauty and generally make my country ( any country for that matter) dirty! I want to walk up to them and say 'Hell, Pick it up right now!'.
  2. I detest people who make personal comments and make fun of others without any consideration for their feelings or any empathy ( of course, harmless teasing or ribbing is fun!). It has to be funny and fun for all parties concerned, not just you!
  3. I hate it when fellow Indians abroad ( or even in India for that matter) make derogatory comments about my beautiful country in order to 'fit in' or whatever the reason! I wonder what have you done to improve the situation? Is there any 'perfect' country? Why don't YOU do something about it instead of simply complaining?
  4. I despise sexist comments such as 'Oh! Women always gossip!' or 'Men are such chauvinists!'.I have known women being chauvinistic and hell, men gossip a lot! I believe we are what we are due to our upbringing, friends and surroundings. It has nothing to do with being a man or a woman!
  5. I judge people who do not have clean home and bathrooms. I don't mean fancy interiors or stuff like that, I mean just keeping your home clean and cheerful. Your home reflects your personality and if its not clean, doesn't speak much for your personality either!
  6. It gets my goat when people do not teach their kids their mother-tongue if they are living abroad or in a different city. It is important to know your roots ( and easier for grandparents to interact with the kids), I will ensure my child speaks his/her mother-tongue apart from other languages.
  7. I cannot imagine how some parents can snigger or laugh when their kids are disrespectful to others or misbehave in public and actually laugh about it. What do the kids learn? Whom do they look up to, as they grow up?
  8. I don't like it when people relegate certain chores to women. Especially when people ask as soon as you get married, 'So do you cook?' or 'Any good news?'. There is nothing wrong if men can cook if women can have a career! My plans to start a family is a private matter that I am not comfortable discussing with all and sundry! When I do, you will know! Why is it that you don't question the men about starting a family? After all, It takes two to tango!!
  9. I don't appreciate it when you assume that I am running after money if I am working/have a career. I am not judging you for not working, so let's reciprocate the feeling? To each his own, I am happy doing what I do...PERIOD.
  10. Sometimes, it irritates me when people are indecisive about little things like choice of food, movie and such like. Its not a life threatening decision, do it fast!! I know its unfair to judge, coz most of the times I am sure about what I want, so I get impatient when people do that! :-)
There, I let out all my frustrations. I am not tagging anyone with this, of course, feel free to take it up and let me know! I will visit your blog to read, for sure!! I had fun doing this, thank you once again, Thethoughtfultrain! :-)

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