The human body art - beautiful woman artist pastes the chart
[Искусствоо человеческого тела - красивейший художник женщинынаклеивает диаграмму]
[L'art de corps humain - la belle artiste de femme colle le diagramme]
[El arte del cuerpo humano - el artista hermoso de la mujer pega lacarta]

Fashion Design School Degrees
The world of fashion design encompasses more than design. If you love the world of fashion and want to make your mark on it there are many other ways to do it other than to become the next Vera Wang.
Fashion design schools offer courses in fashion and retail management, fashion merchandising and fashion marketing.
If you can't design fashion but have an eye for putting the look together and knowing intuitively what the next "hot" look will be, perhaps you'd want to look into a fashion design school with an eye towards becoming a fashion purchasing manager in the retail sector.
Every big department store such as Nieman Marcus and Saks has fashion buyers. Everything that is in a department store that is offered for sale was picked out by a buyer.
These fashion purchasing managers or fashion buyers choose and buy the products that are sold in retail stores. Imagine for a moment attending the latest fashion shows in the US and Europe. Seeing first hand the latest fashion offerings of the big name couture design houses such as Lauren, Dior, Gaultier, or the ready-to-wear collections of Balenciaga and Herrera.
Don't think for one minute that the life of a fashion buyer or fashion purchasing agent is all glitz and glamour and hobnobbing. A fashion buyer must have a solid education and expertise in sales and store management.
Fashion buyers are usually graduates of a fashion design school and are hand selected by stores such as JC Penny to enter their training programs. They need a bachelor's degree in marketing and merchandising. Some stores require that a buyer hold an MBA.
There is a hierarchy that is followed in fashion buying. Generally stores will hire new employees as junior buyers to help associate buyers. A fashion buyer usually starts out responsible for one or two different fashion brands. It may take years of experience before associate buyers become senior fashion buyers.
Fashion Buyers must be able to develop strong working relationships with manufacturers reps. They must be able to negotiate prices and be able to communicate with a wide variety of people. Strong work ethic and a positive attitude are also required.
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