Renowned human body artist---Tangjiali
Tangjiali's RESUME
·Takes office to dance the team to the Chinese country levelsong-and-dance troupe, bachelor the degree, intermediate title.
·Studies gymnastics in the province physical culture commission,attains two gold medals at the province young people games,
andattains the top athlete title.
·From the province art school dance specialized graduation, divides tothe province song-and-dance troupe holds the post of
the dancer,becomes the province television station to invite the actor, at SpringFestival evening party load guiding
principle dance.
·从舞蹈学院古典舞系毕业,分至国家级歌舞团担任演员兼教员至今。 曾在电影学院表演系进修影视表演。 、
·From the dance institute classical dance is the graduation, dividesholds the post of the actor concurrently teacher to the
national levelsong-and-dance troupe until now. Once was takes advanced courses thefilm and television performance at the
movie institute performance.
Tangjiali's OPUS
Dance performance work:
·Goes study the time in the province skill school: "Golden snake CrazyDance", "Nu'er River", "Spring rain", "Lotus Dance",
"Good friend","Load Fresh Lotus root", "Snatches Backless stool" "Newly married,"Bow Dance ", Don't" and so on.
In province song-and-dance troupe work time: "Mountain Little girl","Fengyang Flower drum", "Friendly affection" and so on.
·Goes study the time in the dance institute: "Yellow River", "Secondaryrainbow Clothes Feather robe Dance", "Loess Yellow",
"Big 师哥 YoungFemale apprentice", "Liang Wishes", "Lily magnolia Turns over to", "Tobe in command" and so on.
·In national level song-and-dance troupe work time: "Red cap" (LatinAmerican), "National territory" (Latin American), "Li is
elegant, Doyou in where "(India)," Please Come (India) with Me "," Pot Dance"(Sri Lanka)," Foot Bell "(Sri Lanka)," In
Holiday Young people"(Russia)," the Nile River "(Arab)," Allah Swiss Pu "(Arab)," Bell"(North Korea)," Umbrella Fan
"(Japan)," Arab League Wave "(Japan),"Youth Rhythm "(Malaysia)," Hula dance "(Hawaii)," the Pori Nepal WestAsia Person
"(Hawaii) and so on.
The dance directs the work: Soap opera "Also Bead Young lady 3".
Modern drama "Green Hat".
Dance theory work:
The paper "Classical Dance Root And Development" printed in 1997 the3-4th issue "Beijing Dance Institute Journal".
Film and television performance work:
"The Kanghsi Dynasty" center acts at the soap opera Ziyu. Forcounter- clear regains eyesight the important matter, hides
thebrothel, becomes a synonym prostitute. Has no intention to meet bychance with Kanghsi, is deep its love. Behind is in a
dilemma thedifficult position near Loyal and is filial, must not take poison to commitsuicide, preserves the Kanghsi life.
"Snow weasel" center acts Madame Qiu at the soap opera. Gentle isvirtuous, Understands the big truth, for supports the
husband austere corruptenterprise, is involved in the palace revenged kill.
"The Yangtze River Criminal police" center plays public relationsdepartment Manager Shen at the soap opera which can get
along in allsocial situations, controls the forces of nature JinJin. Stemming fromindividual personal gain, also stems from
the emotion need, plays witheach kind of stratification plane person to the stock palm, solitarilyfar goes to France.
"Antique Prince" center acts that kind at the soap opera. Good islovable, cans sing and dance well, is young concubine which
theimperial palace main pipe most dotes on
. The latter conscience discovered that, discloses secretinformation to the imperial family, to suffer on own initiative
In addition, the participation photography film and television playalso has: "Relies on Day Slaughter Dragon To record"
(plays the partof Han professional female entertainer), "the Dashalan" (plays thepart of willow waist), "Li Three Rushes
National capital" (to play thepart of Mr./Mrs. Tang) and so on.
Advertisement work:
鄂尔多斯 Yang Taisu. The green leaf aloe takes orally the fluid.Seven colors beads take orally the fluid.
She not only is versatile, moreover has made not the smallcontribution for the human art
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