An 84-year-old retired stockbroker was admitted to our hospital's intensive-care unit,suffering from a peptic ulcer and shock from internal hemorrhage. as intravenous lines were started and fluid infused, his vital signs improved rapidly.
his vital signs improved rapidly. The nurses dramatically announced the blood-pressure readings, starting at the shock level of 60 and increasing to '70...80...90' There was no doubt about the patient's successful recovery when in the midst of their intonations, he suddenly yelled, When it gets to 110---SELL.'

The human body art - beautiful woman artist pastes the chart
[Искусствоо человеческого тела - красивейший художник женщинынаклеивает диаграмму]
[L'art de corps humain - la belle artiste de femme colle le diagramme]
[El arte del cuerpo humano - el artista hermoso de la mujer pega lacarta]

The human body art - beautiful woman artist pastes the chart
[Искусствоо человеческого тела - красивейший художник женщинынаклеивает диаграмму]
[L'art de corps humain - la belle artiste de femme colle le diagramme]
[El arte del cuerpo humano - el artista hermoso de la mujer pega lacarta]
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