A certain hunter had found a piece of forest where there were plenty of animals to hunt.The only trouble was that the place was very difficult to get to.
He returned from his first visit to the place in late autumn,and could not get back until the snows melted in the following spring .Then he went to the pilot of a small plane, who earned his living by carrying hunters over parts of the country where there were no roads and no railways, and asked him to take him back to his favourite piece of forest.
The pilot did not know the place, so the hunter showed it to him on the map.
'But there is nowhere to land there, man!' said the pilot.'I have flown over that of the country on my way to other places, and I know that we can't land anywhere between this river and these mountains.'
'I thought you were a wonderful pilot,'said the hunter.'Some of my friends
said you could land a plane on a postage stamp.'
'that's right,'answered the pilot.'I can land a plane where nobody else
can.But I tell you there is nowhereland in the place you are talking about.'
'And what if I tell you that another pilot did land me there last spring?'
said the hunter.
'Is that true?' asked the pilot.
'Yes, it is I swear it.'
Well, this pilot could not let himself be beaten by another, so he agreed to take the hunter.
When they reached the place, the hunter pointed out a small spot without trees in the middle of the forest, with a steep rise at one end. The pilot thought that there was not enough room to land there, but the hunter said that the other pilot had done so the year before. so down went the plane. When it came to the rise, it turned right over onto its back. As the hunter climbed out, he smiled happily and said,'Yes, that is exatly how tha other pilot managed it last time.'

Artistic picture explanation
She is an outstanding human body artist, she is has the artistic dayshare and the artistic value artist very much We now saw is she isworking the several pictures.
The human body art - beautiful woman artist pastes the chart
[Искусствоо человеческого тела - красивейший художник женщинынаклеивает диаграмму]
[L'art de corps humain - la belle artiste de femme colle le diagramme]
[El arte del cuerpo humano - el artista hermoso de la mujer pega lacarta]

"Curves for Women" is the largest chain of franchised fitness centers in the world with over 8000 locations. They are small facilities with hydraulic resistance machines that are arrayed in a circuit where you move from machine to machine on a time interval. There are 8-12 pieces of equipment in the circuit that target specific body parts. The circuit moves you from station to station and is directed by music and taped instruction. You are meant to go at a quick pace to keep your heart rate up. Curves' hours of operation vary by location and are more restrictive than most health clubs. There is a $149 one-time service fee to join and it is $29-39/month for a year. Often there are specials and incentives that refund a portion of the fee. Many franchises require a one-year minimum.
Curves is designed for and marketed to those who are intimidated by traditional gyms, health club beginners, older people and those with very limited time. They are trying to take the fear out of starting an exercise and weight loss program which is very important as the epidemic of obesity in America worsens.
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