Most of Todd's neighbours were pleasant people, who were always ready to help each other when they were in trouble;but there was one woman who lived in his street who was disliked by everybody because she was always interfering in other people's business, and because she was always borrowing things from people and then forgetting to give them back.
Early one morning,Todd heard a knock at his front door, and, when he opened
it, found this woman outside.
'Good morning, Todd,'she said.'I have to take some things to my sister' house in the town today, and I have not got a donkey, as you know. will you
lend me yours? I will bring it back this evening.'
'I am sorry,' answered Todd.'If my donkey was here, I would of course lend
it to you very willingly, but it is not.'
'Oh?' said the woman.'It was here last night, because I saw it behind your house. Where is it now?'
'My wife took it into town early this morning,'answered Todd.
Just then the donkey brayed loudly.
'You are not telling the truth,Todd!' the women said angrily. 'I can hear
your donkey. You should be ashamed of yourself, telling lies to neighbour!'
'You are the one who should be ashamed,not me!' shouted Todd.'Is it good
manners to believes a donkey's word rather than that one of one's neighbour?'

Artistic picture explanation
She is an outstanding human body artist, she is has the artistic dayshare and the artistic value artist very much We now saw is she isworking the several pictures.
The human body art - beautiful woman artist pastes the chart
[Искусствоо человеческого тела - красивейший художник женщинынаклеивает диаграмму]
[L'art de corps humain - la belle artiste de femme colle le diagramme]
[El arte del cuerpo humano - el artista hermoso de la mujer pega lacarta]

Academy of Art College (San Francisco) [3]
Bay Vista College of Beauty (National City)
Bethany College (Scotts Valley)
Bethesda Christian University (Anaheim)
Biola University (La Mirada)
Brandon College (San Francisco)
Brooks College (Long Beach)
Brooks College (Sunnyvale)
Brooks Institute of Photography (Santa Barbara)
Brooks Institute of Photography (Ventura)
Brownson Technical School (Anaheim)
Bryan College of Court Reporting (Los Angeles)
Bryman College (Anaheim)
Bryman College (El Monte)
Bryman College (Gardena)
Bryman College (Hayward)
Bryman College (Los Angeles)
Bryman College (Los Angeles)
Bryman College (Ontario)
Bryman College (Reseda)
Bryman College (San Bernardino)
Bryman College (San Francisco)
Bryman College (San Jose)
Bryman College (Torrance)
Bryman College (Whittier)
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