The human body art - beautiful woman artist pastes the chart
[Искусствоо человеческого тела - красивейший художник женщинынаклеивает диаграмму]
[L'art de corps humain - la belle artiste de femme colle le diagramme]
[El arte del cuerpo humano - el artista hermoso de la mujer pega lacarta]

Nothing Seems To Scare Parents More Than The Prospect Of Pay
In a recent survey, 300 parents of school-age children were asked to list in order the fears which inspired the most horror. Believe it or not, the high cost of college tuition came well above the safety of their family, terrorism, and crime.
Most of the so-called experts seemed somewhat surprised by these results. Not me. I've received a great many letters over the years from parents on the subject of ?tudent Loans?and the hardships they have caused these families.
As a rule, I have always advised these parents to max out their retirement accounts before they consider saving for college fees. After all, there is little or no financial aid for retirement, but there's plenty of help for college fees once you know where to look. So why is it as rational adults, we can and do understand from a dollars-and-cents perspective that this advice is perfectly correct, but as parents, we seem more than a little uncomfortable with it.
Student Loans are big business and there is no shortage of companies out there willing to lend you the money required to pay these fees. The average cost at a public college is around $12,127 a year, according to the College Board, and at the private institutions they can average as much as $40,000. So how do we as parents reconcile these two conflicting forces tugging at our savings and our conscience?
Lets try and find some middle ground for this problem. After all, who wants to live with that nagging feeling that we are somehow neglecting our children by not making any effort to save for the education. We should aggressively seek out grants. Kalman Chany, author of "Paying for College Without Going Broke," notes that many people fumble their chances for more aid by waiting to apply until after they've done their taxes or after their children have been accepted to a college. By that time, many work/study and other campus-based programs are tapped out. At virtually all schools, the earliest financial aid deadline falls before acceptance letters are even mailed out.
According to the American Council on Education, more than 1.5 million students who could have qualified for Pell Grants - a form of financial aid that doesn't have to be repaid - didn't even bother to apply. Most public data suggests that's not all the money that's being left on the table. To see if your child is eligible for grants go to http://studentaid.ed.gov
There are a large number of reward programs out there that will put money into your tax-deferred college savings account as a thank-you for shopping at certain retailers. It may only be small amounts, but it's free money that's not coming out of your pocket. Two of the most popular are Upromise and Littlegra, both of which have websites that are well worth the visit. Ben Kaplan, publisher of http://ScholarshipCoach.com, was awarded $90,000 in scholarships when he was applying to college in the late 1990s. "It helped me immensely to know that my family couldn't pay for my whole education," he says.
There's a lot of research out there that has shown that success in life has much more to do with our children's overall ambition than where they go to school. This is a point you may want to think about when deciding between an Ivy League school, along with the six-figure loan that goes with this route, and a public school with a largely free ride.
Don't get ripped off trying to find scholarships. The fear of high college tuition bills leads a great many families to shell out for something you don't need. Stay away from the pitch "Pay us to search our vast database and win you a scholarship - and we'll apply for you!" Generally, you shouldn't have to pay to find or apply for any scholarship. There are plenty of web sites out there that have searchable databases that you can scour for scholarships and grants absolutely free.
Your?Money Matters By Carl Hampton the bestselling Author of ?rom Credit Despair To Credit Millionaire?br />
Have an opinion or a question you would like me to answer, then write me! http://www.CarlHampton.com
Stressing The Field Of Interest In Post College Admission Es
Many students often struggle in selecting a topic for their post college admission essays, including MBA essays (or graduate school admission essay) as part of the requirements in gaining admission to a school of their choice. In most cases, the school itself will present a topic(s) for the post college admission essay which the student can expound on and this will become a good starting point or guideline for the post college admission essay, including MBA essays.
In many instances, however, the student is left to fend for himself, where the admission essay questions posed are very general and open. In such cases, the applicant is left in the dark, not having an ounce of an idea on what to write about in his post college admission essay, including MBA essays.
In very simple terms, a post college admission essay including MBA essays, should tell a basic picture of yourself. It should be able to present a clear and definite description of you as a person, including the things that you love to do, the things that make you laugh or cry, your experiences at home, at school, in your local church, fun and adventure with friends, basically the things that make you who you are at the present moment, which in turn convey to the reader (admission officer) why you are good candidate for admission to their graduate program.
However, a very important aspect that should never be absent in any post college admission essay including MBA essays, is a precise and detailed narrative of a candidate's academic experiences. More specifically, it should be able to express in genuine terms accounts of how the candidate was able to obtain good grades in certain subject areas that are considered as major subjects in the course he is taking up. At the same time, don? avoid addressing weaker grades or negative marks. Face them head on and provide a good and logical explanation in the post college admission essay, including MBA essays.
Let us suppose, for example, that a student has finished his undergraduate studies in journalism and wants to take up a master degree in the same field with specialization in literary criticism. In his post college admission essay, he can detail an experience in one college subject where the teacher asked them to produce three short stories by the end of the semester. Since literature has always been his favorite subject, the student was able to meet the requirement early and was even able to receive a high grade from his teacher at the end of the course.
The sample given above is just one of the many ways by which a candidate can elaborate on the concept of presenting specific accounts on how he fared in his major field of concentration as expressed in his post college admission essay, including MBA essays.
Other related accounts can and should be given in post college admission essays to better persuade admissions officials that the applicant is well-versed in his field and has the required ability to pursue higher learning in the same. Needless to say, a student's excellent grades on his major subjects denotes expertise and passion in his chosen field. It gives clear indications that the field he has decided to pursue is one that greatly interests him. As such, he is able to pour all his energy and efforts, and more so, his heart and soul into it, resulting in grades that are outstanding. Generally, this gives the admissions officer the feeling that the applicant is focused and driven to achieve in his chosen field of study.
Focusing on your field of concentration as a topic in your post college admission essay including MBA essays, is an effective way of convincing admissions officials that your application is worth giving due consideration because you showed focus and the desire to pursue your chosen field of study. More so, if in using such a topic in your post college admission essay including MBA essays, you are able to show specific instances in one or two subjects wherein you were able to excel.
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