Once, when Hayes was a boy,his mother went out for a picnic. Before she went, she said to him,'hayes, while I am away, stay near the door, and watch it all the time.' She said this because there were a lot of thieves in their town. Hayes sat down beside the door. after an hour one of his uncles came. He said to Hayes,'Where is your mother?' 'At a picnic,' he answered. 'Well,' said the uncle, 'we are going to visit your house this evening. Go and tell her!' His uncle then went away, and Hayes began to think.'Mother said,"Watch the door all the time!" and Uncle said."Go and tell her!"' He thought and thought, then at last, he pulled the door down,put it on his back and went to hiFs mother with it!

Artistic picture explanation
She is an outstanding human body artist, she is has the artistic dayshare and the artistic value artist very much We now saw is she isworking the several pictures.
The human body art - beautiful woman artist pastes the chart
[Искусствоо человеческого тела - красивейший художник женщинынаклеивает диаграмму]
[L'art de corps humain - la belle artiste de femme colle le diagramme]
[El arte del cuerpo humano - el artista hermoso de la mujer pega lacarta]

Academy of Art College (San Francisco) [4]
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery - Branch Campus (Camp Pendleton)
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery - Branch Campus (San Diego)
Butte College (Oroville)
Cabrillo College (Aptos)
California Baptist University (Riverside)
California Beauty College (Modesto)
California Career School (Anaheim)
California Christian College (Fresno)
California College of the Arts (Oakland)
California College of Communication (Campbell)
California College (Modesto)
California College at Modesto (Modesto)
California College (Sacramento)
California College at Stockton (Stockton)
California College of Vocational Careers (Bakersfield)
California Cosmetology College, San Jose, Inc. (Santa Clara)
California Culinary Academy (San Francisco)
California Design College (Los Angeles)
California Hair Design Academy (La Mesa)
California Healing Arts College (West Los Angeles)
California Institute of the Arts (Valencia)
California Institute of Integral Studies (San Francisco)
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